Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Who knows this kind of flower?

My friend saw that in Royal Botanical Gardens and he wanted to know that (for godknows reasons...)

see here:


Does anybody know that? thank you!

Who knows this kind of flower?
Definately a type of Helleborus
Reply:Ya, everyone is right, it is a Helleborus. There are alot of varieties of the Lenten Rose, which is the one you are showing. Check out this website for some pics of them. The one you are looking for is the Helleborus argutifolius 'Janet Starnes' variety. You can buy them on-line here - but make sure you get one for your zone so they do well for you! http://www.heronswood.com/perennials_per...
Reply:I believe that that's a type of cactus flower. Wikipedia might have more info.
Reply:This plant is a Hellebore, but it is not a Lenten Rose (Helleborus Orientalis). From what I can see, my best guess would be Helleborus Lividus Corsicus.
Reply:Lenten Rose is the common name

Hellebores is the Latin name
Reply:no idea but its very prettiful :)
Reply:i dunno but i love it its gorgeous

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