Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to make coca cola?

does anyone have any idea of how to make coca cola? I mean the original one made in the 1800, I have a botanical garden, so I already have coca leaves and cola nuts, now what?

How to make coca cola?
good luck with this. Coca Cola has their formulas (including the old ones and it was late 1800s when it came about as a medical treatment. The drug cocaine was used) locked away in a vault guarded by military security cameras. Not even the CEO or the board of directors knows how to make it. Their are many different individuals that only know key portions of the formula.

Recently two people were arrested and sent to five years of federal prison for trying to obtain partial formula secrets when they attempted to sell it to Pepsi Co. Pepsi actually alerted Coke employees on the matter.
Reply:Mix 2,400 grams of sugar with just enough water to dissolve (high-fructose corn

syrup may be substituted for half the sugar). Add 37 grams of caramel, 3.1

grams of caffeine, and 11 grams of phosphoric acid. Extract the cocaine from

1.1 grams of coca leaf (Truxillo growth of coca preferred) with toluol; discard

the cocaine extract. Soak the coca leaves and kola nuts (both finely powdered;

0.37 gram of kola nuts) in 22 grams of 20 percent alcohol. California white

wine fortified to 20 percent strength was used as the soaking solution circa

1909, but Coca-Cola may have switched to a simple water/alcohol mixture. After

soaking, discard the coca and the kola and add the liquid to the syrup. Add 30

grams of lime juice (a former ingredient, evidently, that Coca-Cola now denies)

or a substitute such as a water solution of citric acid and sodium citrate at

lime-juice strength. Mix together 0.88 gram of lemon oil, 0.47 gram of orange

oil, 0.27 gram of lime oil, 0.20 gram of cassia (Chinese cinnamon) oil, 0.07

gram of nutmeg oil, and if desired, traces of coriander, lavender, and neroli

oils, and add to 4.9 grams of 95 percent alcohol. Shake. Add 2.7 grams of

water to the alcohol/oil mixture and let stand for twenty-four hours at about 60

degrees Fahrenheit. A cloudy layer will separate. Take off the clear part of

the liquid only and add to the syrup. Add 19 grams of glycerin (from vegetable

sources, not hog fat, so the drink can be sold to Orthodox Jews and Moslems) and

1.5 grams of vanilla extract. Add water (treated with chlorine) to make 1

gallon of syrup.

Yield (used to flavor carbonated water): 128 6.5-ounce bottles.
Reply:who cares... a can sells for 50 cents

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