Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is this fictional garden realistic?

The two women spent the day at Mrs. Oliver’s house, canning blackberry jam and baking torts to freeze for later. Every hour, the bell on the Chapel by the Sea would strike and Mrs. Oliver would compare it against the clock on her mantle. Between the bustle in the kitchen, they found time to play cards out on the patio.

Mrs. Oliver had created a botanical garden in her backyard, modeling it after the house on Mt. Jötnar. She had an elaborate fountain in the center with little cherub statues atop. Almost everyone who saw it commented on the grandeur and how color coordinated her yard seemed. She had separated the warm colors, placing all the bright splashes of purple, plum and pale violet in one corner. The rich burgundy smoke tree was surrounded in royal irises with long healthy blooms. Russian sage and Spanish lavender lay peacefully around the edges with blue-green, silver, and chartreuse foliage. To the other side, the warmth intensified with fiery shades of dahlia, coleus, and sedum. The crimson blooms were surrounded in red fountain grass. High up in an old elm that shaded the yard she had several bird feeders and a curious squirrel who always seemed to appear when guests were near. Today, he’d dropped a walnut and was scurrying down to retrieve it.

While they played cards, they conversed with ease. They spoke of Ilsa’s new employers mostly.

“She’s a bit younger than he is,” Ilsa said. “But they seem very happy together.”

Is this fictional garden realistic?
It sounds lovely. Just one bit though...The garden of the "cool" plants was so in-depth with so many beautiful varities. I could picture them all in my minds eye. However, there are only dahlias, coleus, sedum and red fountain grass on the "warm" side?

There are so many warm colored plants. I was surprised not to read of a beautiful deep red rose bush, geraniums, red gerbera daisies, a beautiful hibiscus etc. Still it sounds like a very lovely garden. I prefer splashes of color here and there. Something a little less formal, where I could plop down barefoot with a glass of ice tea :)

Jill Marie

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